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Our Resources

We utilize comprehensive resources to help our clients reflect on their needs and hopes, and prepare for their work with us.

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Our Family in Two Homes

Our Family in Two Homes is for separating or divorcing parents raising minor children together.


Think of Our Family in Two Homes as your co-parenting handbook. It combines important self-reflection questions with essential financial information - so you can be empowered and prepared to work out a Settlement Agreement with our help.

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Our Family in A Few Homes

Our Family in a Few Homes is best for separating spouses with adult children as well as those without children.


When your children are adults, it poses particular challenges for separating couples. Our Family in a Few Homes combines important self-reflection questions with essential financial information - so you can be empowered and prepared to work out a Settlement Agreement with our help.

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Designing Our Future Together

Designing Our Future is a workbook for couples who want to stay together forever - and require some financial help.


Pre-nuptial, Post-nuptial and Cohabitation agreements don’t have to be scary. Designing Our Future Together takes a positive, future-focused approach to helping couples work out the financial complexities of their life together.


Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts


Collaborative Divorce California

Collaborative Divorce Solutions of OC

Collaborative Practice Silicon Valley



American Bar Association

American Psychological Association

Tax Returns (Previous Years)

Credit Report

W-2 Payroll Statement

IRS Website

IRS Publication 504

Social Security

College Financial Aid

General Financial Info

Books & Online

  • Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After, by Katherine Woodward Thomas

  • Home Will Never Be The Same Again: A Guide for Adult Children of Gray Divorce, by Bruce R. Fredenburg and Carol R. Hughes

  • Why Won't You Apologize?: Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts, by Harriet Lerner

  • The Co-Parents' Handbook - Raising Well-Adjusted, Resilient and Resourceful Kids in a Two-Home Family from Little Ones to Young Adults, by Karen Bonnell and Kristen Little

  • BIFF: Quick Responses to High Conflict People, by Bill Eddy

  • BIFF for Co Parent Communication, by Bill Eddy

  • Financially Fit Divorce: Plan and Negotiate a More Secure Financial Future, by Pam Friedman, CFP®, CDFA®

  • How To Be Loving - as your heart is breaking open and our world is waking up, by Danielle LaPorte


Contact us to schedule your Free Strategy Session!

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