Financial Advocacy
Money is a loaded topic which permeates all areas of our lives. Disagreements about money are some of the top reasons which cause couples to call it quits. Other times couples don’t disagree, but there may be an imbalance when it comes to money because the non-CFO spouse (the one who doesn’t handle the finances) needs the reassurance that an outside expert is evaluating the financial settlement for fairness so that you are able to advocate for yourself in whatever divorce method you choose:
Self-Negotiation (One or both spouses hire a financial advocate or neutral.)
Mediation (One or both spouses hire a financial advocate or neutral.)
Advocacy (One or both spouses hire their own attorneys who communicate to each other on behalf of their clients. Plus one or both spouses may hire a financial advocate.)
Regardless of the reasons that you have decided to end your marriage, you and your spouse are engaged in divorce litigation and the financial complexities are overwhelming, confusing, and you might feel like you’re not getting much clarity from your attorney. You don't have to end up like the woman in the cartoon! Before you go any further, let us help you make smart decisions on what you should be negotiating for.
You might have investments, retirement accounts, pensions, businesses, expenses, rental properties, etc. How in the world do you structure a property settlement that is fair and won’t get you into tax trouble? Would you like to be able to see in black and white how a settlement would impact your future? You have come to the right place.
We can partner with you, your mediator and/or your attorney to help you navigate the financial waters of divorce with confidence and clarity.